The decision to start a BPSA San Antonio scout group began by many internet searches, and long talks, about forming a scout group that included “adult scouts”! I was thinking of forming a “meet up” group to make this happen but then, I found the Baden-Powell Service Association, aka BPSA. I instantly loved their message and mission – Inclusive Scouting for everyone, even adults!
Since there was not a local group, I decided to begin the process to charter one! During this charter process we choose a name, ordinal number, and neckerchief colors! Check out our first neckerchief drafts!🤔
UPDATE: Read about our chosen name and neckerchief colors.
The next step is to get the first adult members of our group to attend a Brownsea Training Camp (BTC). BTC’s are a basic training, weekend camp out, where adults can learn what BPSA is all about!
If you like BPSA’s mission and you’re interested in becoming a BPSA scout, join us! We will have updates on the progress of our group as they happen!