Everybody Scouts Initiative

Financial help: BPSA’s Everybody Scouts Initiative

Many groups are finding strength and purpose in continuing scouting whether from home or by following local guidelines for safe in-person gatherings. However, BPSA-US understands that along with social and educational disruption, COVID has impacted the finances of so many families. Concerns about the cost of scouting are more urgent than ever. It is time to take a leap of faith in our membership and try to address this at least in the limited area of registration fees.

Now when registering, you can adjust your fee to pay what you can. There is no need to answer any questions or provide any documents to participate. Please know that BPSA-US is happy to support you in any way they can.

If you are able and would like to donate to help “Everybody Scout,” you can add a contribution by donating here: paypal.me/13thaguayaamguan.