The BPSA’s Scout program is called Pathfinders. This section is open to boys and girls beginning at age 11 and going through age 17 (grades 6 through 12). The program emphasizes hands-on, outdoor activities such as camping, hiking, canoeing, and backpacking, as well as community-service projects. Pathfinders organize into Troops that operate in Patrols of 6 to 8 members, led by a (youth) Patrol Leader who shares responsibility with an adult leader (called the Scoutmaster) for discipline, activity planning, and training the less-experienced members.
The Pathfinder Troop should meet as a unit once per month along with the rest of the Scout Group (not counting outdoor excursions and community service outings), and be led by the Troop Leader (Scoutmaster) with help from the Assistant Scoutmaster. At the Troop Meetings, the Pathfinders are encouraged, after the opening ceremony, announcements, etc., to break out into their smaller units (Patrols) to work on whatever it is they’re learning at the time or to plan their next outing. Patrols should also meet separately once or twice per month, separate from the Troop meeting. Scouts conduct all Pathfinder meetings (Troop or individual Patrols) with as minimal adult interference or interaction as possible. The adult Scoutmasters are there to supervise, but not to lead, the Pathfinder Scouts.
The Pathfinder program is based upon Robert Baden-Powell’s book, Scouting for Boys, and is similar in appearance to programs that were in common use nearly 100 years ago. The highest award a Scout can earn at the Pathfinder level is the George Washington Scout Award.